Szerző: Pocora V.
Talált cikkek száma: 6 cikk

Baltag E., Pocora I., Pocora V. (2009): Chiropterofauna din aria Cheile Bicazului, Cheile Şugăului, Peştera Toşorog (A Békási-szoros, Súgó-szoros és Toşorog barlang denevérfaunája). Migrans, XI(1): 2-4. [PDF]

Ifrim I., Pocora V. (2006): Aspecte preliminare privind studiul chiropterelor din Pădurea Letea. First Conference on Bat Conservation in Romania. Book of Abstracts, Ed. Romanian Bat Protection Association, p. 6. [PDF]

Ifrim I., Pocora V. (2007a): Preliminary aspects about the specific composition of the bats fauna from three caves of Dobrogea. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al I. Cuza", Iaşi, ser. Biologie animală, 53: 239-244. [PDF]

Ifrim I., Pocora V. (2007b): Preliminary aspects about the study of bats from Letea Forest - Danube Delta. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, 13: 27-34. [PDF]

Pocora I., Pocora V. (2008): Use of various habitat types by bats (Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae) in Moldavia and Danube Delta (Romania). Abstract. XIth European Bat Research Symposium, 18-22 August, 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, p.116. [PDF]

Pocora I., Pocora V., Baltag E. (2008): The structure and the dynamic of a hibernation mixed colony of bats (Chiroptera) from an old gallery mine (Rarău Mountains - Romania). Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al I. Cuza", Iaşi, ser. Biologie animală, 54: 227-235. [PDF]