Kiválasztott szó: colonie de vară

Talált cikkek száma: 4

Barbu P. (1968): Observaţii asupra unei colonii estivale de Pipistrellus nathusii Keys. et Blas. 1839 în farul de la Sf. Gheorghe - Dobrogea. Ocrotirea naturii 12(2): 211-215. [PDF]

Barbu P., Bazilescu E. (1977): Nouvelles données concernant l`espéce Myotis emarginatus Geoffroy en Roumanie. Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, ser. Biologie, 26: 93-94. [PDF]

Ifrim I., Pocora V. (2006): Aspecte preliminare privind studiul chiropterelor din Pădurea Letea. First Conference on Bat Conservation in Romania. Book of Abstracts, Ed. Romanian Bat Protection Association, p. 6. [PDF]

Ifrim I., Pocora V. (2007b): Preliminary aspects about the study of bats from Letea Forest - Danube Delta. Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute, 13: 27-34. [PDF]