Hungarians form Transylvania. October 2003 Unique identification number of the database: survey-027 Complete title of the database: Hungarians from Transylvania. October
2003. Research description Research coordinator: Horváth
István, CCRIT (Research Center on Inter-ethnic Relations) Financing institution: DAHR Executive Presidency CCRIT
(Research Center on Inter-ethnic Relations) Migration, migration potential Status Law, Advantage Law DAHR double citizenship Database
description: general conditions; trust in
institutions and political parties; problem-perception; migration potential; DAHR
perception, expectations from the DAHR, double citizenship; a PSD-DAHR protocol;
Hungarian institutions besides the DAHR; local problems and accomplishments; media
consumption; language use. The unit of the analysis: person. Target population: inhabitants of Romania, the Hungarian inhabitants of Romania. Type of database: survey. The
temporal dimension of the database:
cross-sectional. Citing
obligation: the
data user will have to refer to the database creators (CCRIT). Other materials connected to database: questionnaire research
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