Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ)
Adopted by the 5th Congress of the DAHR (Târgu Mures/Marosvásárhely), the 3-4th of October 1997
Functioning of the Executive
– Replanning of governmental assignments and the reform of government bodies;
– Insurance of the flux of information among state authority bodies, reconstruction of the decision-making mechanisms and procedures;
– Coordination of the party policy with governing.
Foreign Policy
– Promotion of Romania's rapid NATO integration;
– Acceleration of simultaneous talks with all the states interested in the European integration;
– Elaboration and promulgation of a package of bills in conformity with the European legislation;
– Acceleration of the annulment of the compulsory visa system for the citizens of all associate states of the European Union;
– Application of basic treaties and international covenants on national minorities signed and ratified by Romania;
– In order to achieve a more efficient activity in the committees of the Parliamentary Assemble of the Council of Europe, the NATO and the WEU, request for the status of observer in the European People's Party which gathers the conservative parties of the European Union;
– Broadening of cooperation between Romania and Hungary, the development of neighbourly relations.
– Acceleration of privatization by selling the assets of enterprises at current price;
– Elaboration of a complex system of criteria to select strategic investors, which will contain obligations for the buyers;
– Privatization after the liquidation of loss-maker energy-consumer enterprises;
– Insurance of partial ownership for local administrations during the process of privatization;
– Return of property in integrum or full-scale indemnity in case that is not possible;
– Return in integrum of the property of cooperative societies;
– Finalization of sectorial strategies elaborated by the ministries concerned;
– Access to development funds to facilitate the introduction of technologies that protect the environment;
– Establishment of industrial parks;
– Assistance of associative agricultural production based on private resolution;
– Establishment of agricultural product councils;
– Preferential treatment of tourism by creating its development fund and the elaboration of local, regional and national development programmes with the intervention of local authorities;
– Development of the infrastructure by the redistribution of important budgetary funds and the attraction of foreign investment; implication of leasing societies;
– Elaboration of a well thought-out conception on transport policy in accordance with Central and East-European tendencies;
– Development of public utility companies with the help of private capital;
– Elaboration of regional programmes for the finalization of the drinking-water and sewerage system in villages;
– Elaboration of a complex programme to help the cooperative movement;
– Completion of the subsidy system for small and medium size enterprises, including the subsidy of investments together with the modification of financial obligations; elaboration and passing of the Law on Leasing; establishment of special banks for small and medium-size enterprises; creation of the possibility to use unexploited state production capacities;
– Introduction of the income tax;
– Cutback on profit taxes and the introduction of advantageous taxes for those productive enterprises which create new places of work or apply new technical improvements;
– Modernization, decentralization and the transfer into the jurisdiction of local administrations of the institutional system which is authorized to impose and register taxes and duties;
– Transformation of certain tax categories into local taxes;
– Remittance of the VAT at the settlement of the bill, not at its making out;
– Increase of subsidy in the case of local investments
– Management of the social insurance funds by the implication of the interested social groups;
– Reduction of inflation, the achievement of the internal and external stability of the national currency and introduction of measures of economic policy to ensure the calculability of its fluctuation;
– Elimination of the financial blockage; privatization after bankruptcy proceedings;
– Privatization of the banks after their previous consolidation;
– Regulation of the Stock Market and of the extra-Exchange Market, elimination of the existing restrictions;
– Stimulation of foreign capital influx, preference for strategic investments;
– Seizure of the opportunity connected to the asynchronous character of the mutual concessions included in the association agreement to the European Union;
– Elaboration of a special strategy in the field of regional cooperation and the acceleration of the process of cooperation among the eight regions of Romania;
– Urging and institutionalizing of transfrontier cooperation.
– Reorganization of labour force training in conformity with the demands of the labour market;
– Creation of favourable conditions for young graduates, financial support of employers who hire young graduates;
– Involvement of local communities and their local administration bodies in the elaboration and execution of manpower-management policies;
– Creation of a tax system to stimulate the employers to train and retrain their staff or to send their employees to further education training courses;
– Establishment of the National Employment and Manpower Training Agency to administer the contributive fund in order to diminish the risks of losing one's working place.
Social Welfare
– Construction of social apartments from the state budget and/or with the support of international organizations;
– Establishment of the National Housing Fund in order to grant credits for building flats;
– Introduction of the normative financing system of social services; the defining element for fixing the norms is the subsistence level (or the regional subsistence level);
– Elaboration of the superannuation act which includes the introduction of the alternative system of superannuation;
– Financial assistance of the aged, establishment of a private network of institutions specialized in attending aged people.
Public Health
– Creation of a more efficient framework for professional and economic activity;
– Elaboration of the organizational framework of social and medical insurance; granting of an adequate financing system by:
– Decentralization of the institutional system that ensures medical care;
– Continuation of the privatization of primary and specialized medical care;
– Accrediting of services and of institutions which ensure medical care;
– Regulation of cooperation among the different segments implied in medical attendance;
– Correlation of actions undertaken by the sanitary institutions and the organizations of the civil society in the field of public health and social assistance;
– Restructuring of the institutional and professional function system;
– Elaboration of a medical system in order to ensure primary territorial assistance, family doctor system and medical service addressing different groups of the population;
– Decentralization of the professional and postgraduate training system in medical care.
Local Public Administration
– Passing by the Parliament of the Government Edict for the amendment of the Law on Public Local Administration;
– Elaboration of the Law on the Property of Local Public Administration;
– Elaboration of the Law on Public Budget;
– Elaboration of the Law on Local Referendum;
– Ratification and observance of the European Charter of Local administration in its letter and spirit in the elaboration of the internal legislation;
– Elaboration of laws which regulate the juridical status of the bureaucrats and public servants;
– Establishment of local financial institutions, of the so-called banks of local public administrations.
Minority Policy
The DAHR continues to consider that the minority problem can be solved by the consequent application of the principle of subsidiarity which presumes the creation of a specific institutional and legal system for the protection of minorities.
Our priorities in the elaboration of the laws are:
– Ratification and application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages;
– Regulation by law of the return of community and church properties;
– Elaboration of the provisions referring to the protection of minorities according to those included in international agreements which strengthen local autonomy by their interpretation in good faith; these provisions should also be included in the domestic legal system;
– Monitoring of provisions which ban forced assimilation and the modification of the demographic composition of areas inhabited by minorities; we expect that the Government would respect its promises in this respect;
– Elaboration of the Law on Foundations;
– Insurance of the institutions necessary for the native language education of national minorities;
– Passing of the Law on National Minorities.
– Continuation of the reform and the decentralization of the educational system; restructuring of education in conformity with the requirements concerning the number of experts necessary for the future decades in the spirit of the draft Law on Education elaborated by the DAHR;
– Passing by the Parliament of the Government Edict for the amendment of the Law on Education;
– Banning of measures restricting native language education;
– Creation, within the framework of public education, of a Hungarian language educational system including all the necessary profiles;
– Enlarging of Hungarian language higher educational system in accordance with the necessities, the reestablishment of the autonomous Hungarian language University in Cluj with the financial support of the state; establishment and support of higher educational institutions in Szeklerland and the western part of the country;
– Handling of specific problems of ethnic communities who live widely scattered on the territory of the country, satisfying of local necessities for the Chango-Hungarians, including the study of their history.
– Initiation of the elaboration of the Cultural Statutes of National Minorities;
– Elaboration of the Law on National Cultural Property, of the Law on the Protection of Monuments, of the Law on Public Libraries, of the Law on Theatres, of the Law on Museums;
– Introduction of a grant system in order to use the funds of the Direction for National Minorities more efficiently;
– Initiation of a Government decision for the establishment of the Institute for Social Science Research;
– Transformation of the National Archives in public institutions by the amendment of Law no. 16/1996.
– Adoption of the Law on Worship;
– Return of confiscated church properties;
– Establishment of denominational education at all levels and their support by sums allocated from the budget;
– Assistance of measures which aim at the reestablishment of the Hungarian language pastoral service for the Changos of Moldavia.
– We urge the reestablishment of the Youth Council in Romania based on the principle of subsidiarity; the Council would unite the youth organizations of the country and be the partner of any government as far as the negotiation of specific interests and the transparent distribution of their financial assistance is concerned;
– In order to develop the relations of the youth organizations, we urge that Romania join the international agreements by which students with ISIC benefit of reduced fares.
– We initiate the institutionalization of manpower management so that the young people be able to compete for jobs in accordance with their skills.
Adopted by the 5th Congress of the DAHR
Târgu Mures/ Marosvásárhely, 3-4th of October 1997
Urquelle: RMDSZ Közlöny [Offizielles Mitteilungsblatt des Demokratischen Verbandes der Ungarn in Rumänien,], 1997/Nr. 27, S.20-24.
Lektoriert anhand ung. Originals: Bárdi, Nándor/ Éger, György (Hrsg.): Útkeresés és integráció. Válogatás a határon túli magyar érdekvédelmi szervezetek dokumentumaiból 1989-1999 [Wegsuche und Integration. Auswahl aus den Dokumenten der ungarischen Interessenschutzverbände jenseits der Grenzen], Budapest 2000, S. 195-200.
Originaltitel: A Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség Kormánykoalíciós cselekvési prioritásai
Gespeichert: rmdsz-39-19971004